free trial
A chance to test the gym, meet the coaches and experience everything that Torque has to offer. Includes a consultation.
7 days, 3 sessions FREE
Access to 9 sessions per month as well as a full suite of fitness, nutrition and wellbeing resources as well as body composition analysis.
£119.99 per month
Drop in
A one off pass that allows you to join one of our small group PT sessions or metcon classes.
lucky 13
Access to 13 sessions per month as well as a full suite of fitness, nutrition and wellbeing resources as well as body composition analysis.​
£149.99 per month
extended trial
Experience everything Torque has to offer over a 42 day period. Including PT classes, metcons and bespoke programming.
Unlimited access to everything on the torque timetable as well as the full suite of fitness, nutrition and wellbeing resources as well as body composition analysis.
£180 per month
test drive
Train with us over 30 days with a scientifically designed programme alongside fitness, nutrition and wellbeing appointments and resources.
10 pack
Access to 10 sessions, with the flexibility to utilise whenever it fits around your schedule. Includes body composition, onboarding and expert programming.